Our previous article shows the theoretical benefits of ReFi and digital carbon credits. However, ReFi has been suffering from multiple scandals since its rise in popularity. BitSCOR manages to make the most of digital carbon credits by extracting transparent decarbonization projects through deep due diligence.
During our search for the best carbon removal projects, we have come across tens of different business models from carbon credit providers. We noticed that the regenerative finance industry, being extremely young, has a lot of trust issues to fix. Some value chains, from the carbon removal/ avoidance project developer to the end-user (who retires the tokenized carbon credit), are very long. We observed that numerous intermediaries (taking fees along the way) don’t have a clear added value to the product. Unfortunately, abusive intermediaries are still common, although recent scandals have allowed to uncover some of them. As an example, some tokenized carbon credits may simply be repackaged x-years old projects which may not even still be active nor generating a positive impact for the planet.
BitSCOR is an Entity of Trust for its clients. We select highly qualitative carbon credits. We focus on recent carbon removal projects which correspond to our client’s wish to become Net Zero entities.
Filtering the providers and finding trust worthy partners has taken several months of due diligence, as well as multiple calls with ReFi expert sand industry players. The serious work of BitSCOR has allowed our clients to benefit from premium carbon credits, with suitable tracking tools over the chosen projects.
We work hand in hand with ReFi actors providing dashboards to track BitSCOR’s acquisition of digital carbon credits and their retirements allowing full transparency for our clients. The projects we are involved in are generating data to track their evolutions in time (e.g. air and soil quality sensors).
BitSCOR is aggregating its clients’ emissions. This allows a better price negotiation with our partners, benefiting our clients with lower prices. Also, our due diligence allows us to identify short value chains minimizing the number of intermediaries, and thus, avoiding accumulations of fees pointlessly inflating the token price.
Carl Paulus, CEO of BitSCOR
BitSCOR is a Web 3.0 ESG Data Platform. We audit project’s ESG performance, provide ESG Ratings to market players, and we calculate & offset our client’s on-chain carbon emissions.